
...Laboratory of effective solutions

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The laboratory offers the services in following kinds of activity:

1. Working out of mathematical model of the lubricated units of a friction.

2. Calculation of characteristics of the lubricated units of friction by the decision of the equations of the developed mathematical model.

3. Working out of programs for the personal computer, allowing numerical methods to solve some classes of contact problems of deformable bodies.

It can be considered both stationary and non-stationary operating modes of units of friction. The lubricant liquids can have non Newton rheological properties. Mathematical models can consider as real geometry of contacting bodies, and their approach, simplifying calculation of deformations. The thermal processes can be considered.

Results of calculations can be transferred the customer in the form of a database at which there will be all functions entering into mathematical model. Having this database it is easy to check up accuracy of the decision and to be convinced that the obtained data really is the decision of the developed mathematical model with the suitable accuracy.